Do you happen to have problems with dark circles under eyes and puffiness? So do I. Work, parties or other duties occupy your time till late? Night doesn’t belong to us, neither does morning. We have to look flawless but the bags under eyes ruin our appearance? How to deal with this?

Girls, don’t worry. You don’t have to hide your face behind shades all day. Fortunately, there are many effective ways of dealing with puffiness.

I guess there is no-one more attuned to this problem than me. It’s caused by the hectic lifestyle I used to lead working at an editorial office. It happened more than once that I lacked sleep and then I had to bend over backwards to hide this fatigue that appeared on my face. At the beginning, I had quite a problem to do it in a satisfactory way, but with time I managed to separate the most effective methods from the ones which delivered average outcomes. And this is what the entry is all about.

I’m going to share with you all my tried and tested methods of coping with dark circles under eyes 🙂


I don’t know whether you are aware of the fact that the causes of bags under eyes aren’t only fatigue, lack of sleep, or chronic stress. The problem is more complex, yet it’s worth getting acquainted, even in a minimal degree, with the issue. I know that I may sound like a broken record but: care is effective only when we aim at the source of a problem, so we need to detect it! From the cause to the solution!

Puffiness of lower eyelids, also known as bags under eyes (by the way, one should invite more appropriate name for this gripe) is caused by lymphostasis in subcutaneous tissue. Disorders of lymphatic system are the direct causes which have their roots in a completely different place.

Causes of bags under eyes? The most common causes are:

  • inherited tendency to this sort of ailments,
  • unbalanced diet rich in fatty dishes,
  • overuse of drugs such as cigarettes or alcohol,
  • sedentary lifestyle and lack of any physical activity,
  • heart, circulatory system, kidney or thyroid gland disorders,
  • water retention due to allergies,
  • excessive exposure to the sun (frequent sunbathing).

Did I manage to shed some light onto this issue? Well, now you just need to reduce water in your organism, take some rest, exercise a little bit and eat something healthy. Go for it, yet let me remind you that changing your lifestyle into a more healthy one won’t make bags under eyes disappear overnight. Dark circles and puffiness will stay with us for long, provided that we reach for other methods of dealing with bags under eyes – and that’s super important!

Let me invite you to the second part of the entry 😉


Are you curious how to eliminate bags under eyes? The good news is that these dark puffiness can be reduced or masked thanks to which they won’t blemish us any longer and make us look older than we really are. Let’s start from introducing changes into the simple habits of ours. Therefore, if you want to reduce visibility of bags under eyes:

  • let fresh air into your bedroom before going to sleep (just 15 minutes is enough),
  • drink a glass of fresh water before going to sleep,
  • sleep with the head on a pillow (facilitates blood circulation),
  • wash your face with lukewarm water right after waking up,
  • sleep at least 6-8 hours a day,
  • limit salt consumption that is responsible for storing water in organism.

Do these methods dealing with bags under eyes really work? Yes, they do. Sometimes, the small things have incredible power. Seemingly nonsignificant, in a long run affects condition of our skin. Especially the super delicate and thin skin under eyes. Of course, it’s worth doing a little bit more than that.

  1. Cool pack – when you finally wake up, put on your swollen under eye skin something cool. You can use cooled down (in a refrigerator) slices of a cucumber (they will additionally deliver moisturisation to your skin), chilled steel teaspoons or ice-cubes. Cool contracts lymphatic vessels so it reduces lymphostasis. Mind you, cool compress will work only if you keep it on your puffiness for approximately 10 minutes. It’s also suggested to add a delicate massage by, for example, rubbing the skin under eyes with an ice-cube. So relaxing! And it works!
  2. Potato compress – it might sound weird but this is a really effective way to deal with bags under eyes. A regular potato hides a lot of potassium which reduces puffiness as well as starch that soothes inflammations. Thanks to these two substances, it takes 5-10 minutes for the potato to deliver similar action to a cool pack. What do you have to do? Peel a potato off, wash it, slice the vegetable (2 slices of more or less 1 cm) and put them on the eyes.
  3. Teabags – I bet you find this solution as another bizarre invention but this is one of the fairly known and well-liked way of dealing with bags under eyes. Black tea contains caffeine which doesn’t only make us encouraged to act but also can dilute capillaries and reduce swellings. All you need are two teabags of already brewed tea and approximately a half of an hour. Put warm (but not hot!) teabags on puffy eyes and rest like that for a while.
  4. Cosmetics targeting puffiness – you can choose among various types of creams, but in my opinion, the best are gels because they additionally makes skin cool and are way lighter. As far as I’m concerned, products that contain the following substances are the best ones to deal with puffiness: vitamin C, vitamin K, caffeine, eyebright extract, ginkgo biloba extract, parsley extract, cornflower extract and arnica. Certainly, it would be rather hard to find a product featuring all the substances but a cosmic containing just one or two of them should do.

If you know more ways of dealing with bags under eyes, tell me! 🙂

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