
It’s been really long since I’ve been doing my best to combat the problem of hair that falls out too excessively. As far as I’m concerned, I’m not the only one struggling with this ‘hairy’ issue. Many of this blog’s readers are seeking a way to solve the very problem, as well.

Hence, this is where the idea for today’s entry comes from, I’m going to discuss the reasons of baldness and how to cope with this problem. I hope, my tips will turn out to be useful for you 🙂


At the beginning, you have to know that hair thinning shouldn’t be treated as a problem as long as we lose no more than just a few hairs per day. This is completely natural process because it is strictly connected with the hair life cycle (growth – dying out – falling out). In most cases, we don’t even notice losing a few hairs because this empty tiny space is filled with a newly grown hair almost immediately. And this is how Mother Nature designed the process, and there’s nothing wrong with that as long as the balance is maintained.

It’s the excessive hair loss that should be recognized as a problem since it may lead to baldness.

What causes baldness? Reasons of uncontrolled hair thinning

The most frequent reason of excessive hair falling out are hormones, especially when we are talking about male type of baldness which is caused by DHT, testosterone biological conversion product. If the issue is connected with males only (the top of head) then the most frequently these are the adverse hormonal changes that are responsible for this state of matters. Also, baldness is recognized as a hereditary ailment.

In the case of women, baldness has a completely different origins. Its underlying cause is way more complicated 😉

Excessive hair loss that touches women is a complex problem, indeed. It looks completely different because we don’t lose hair only on the top of our head but also on temples, and the entire scalp, in general. Hair gets weak and starts falling out in considerable quantities, often after giving a birth to a child or already during the pregnancy period, which is also connected with hormonal changes (of course, there’s completely other set of hormones responsible for this adverse reaction of an organism than in men). Birth of a child involves tremendous sacrifice in the form of thinned hair, yet frequently this problem fixes itself with time. Unfortunately, woman’s hormones happen to be really moody, therefore hair falling out issue can get us even during taking contraception pills or menopause.

The truth is, more often than not we ourselves contribute to intensifying the problem of excessive hair falling out problem by making hair weakened mechanically or chemically. Strand condition is influenced negatively by:

  • unbalanced diet (poor diet, anorexia);
  • untreated thyroid gland disorders;
  • excessive amount of stress;
  • fungal infections of the scalp;
  • improper hair styling, e.g. excessive use of hairdo fixing products;
  • follicle damages caused by, for example, wearing tight ties, pulling out or jerking of hair.

In my case, it was the unbalanced diet that appeared to be the source of the problem; it lacked precious for hair micro and macro elements. Also, bear in mind that hair needs vitamins A, E and B, biotin, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, silica, iron and fatty acids that you can find in, for example, vegetable oils. Was it the only reason of my hair falling out? To be honest… not really. It turned out that I didn’t take proper care of my strands; I used to style my hair too frequently and wore tight ties. My once beloved pony tail caused a lot of problems. Today, I rarely tie my hair.

Who gets bold?

Most frequently baldness touches men, or at least this is what we assume, because these are guy’s heads where we notice the considerably receding hairline. Does it mean that women don’t get bold? Nothing could be further from the truth. This ailment affects men and women equally. Simply, we, women, react way faster, we reinforce the hair, try to accelerate its growth and effectively camouflage this problem. Men rarely reach for baldness targeting cosmetics. Fortunately, this man’s attitude and ignorance are slowly changing and our guys become more aware of the scalp care issue.


Baldness is a very old problem that is why there are so many methods to cure it (they were worked out with the passing time). Hair thinning is an issue that even people of ancient times had to cope with. How did they combat this problem? Now I’m going to surprise you because the methods which aim was to prevent hair loss were, hmm… unconventional. To demonstrate, Egyptians believed that the best remedy dealing with this problem was powdered dog’s leg, or a kind of ‘grease’ produced from hippo excrements. Romans weren’t that bizarre and went for vegetable cocktail that was applied to their heads. As it is plain to see, people used to reach for different methods.

Even though there are more and more advanced treatments appearing, we can even get a hair graft done, we still are eager to seek for help by applying home remedies combating excessive hair loss. In my opinion, it’s a right thing to do, yet I’ve got better suggestions than the above-mentioned :):)

How to stop baldness? Ways of dealing with hair loss:

  • First and foremost, it’s worth realizing why our hair falls out. Therefore, I recommend you to visit either a dermatologist or a trichologist (a hair doctor, let’s say). After all, if we know the source of our baldness, it will be easier for us to combat it.
  • The best methods of dealing with baldness are the natural ones. Hair oil treatment is considered as fairly helpful because natural oils, if matched properly, can stimulate blood circulation, accelerate hair growth, reinforce and deeply nourish strands. Actually, olive oil massaged into the scalp at every hair washing delivers truly good effects. In fact, we can also turn to the power of Hindu oils such as sesa or amla which contain multitude of oriental vegetable extracts that deliver pure reinforcing action. A slightly troublesome to apply but comparably effective is castor oil. Currently, I’m using Nanoil hair oil which is a blend of all the natural oils which were combined with substances responsible for slowing down hair loss. It works wonders.
  • To fight back baldness you can also use coconut milk. Boil coconut shreds with a small amount of water and massage this homemade hair mask into the scalp. Of course, before putting this mask onto your scalp, let it cool down and drain it. Reapplying this coconut mask 3-4 times per week is a marvellous method for dealing with hair that falls out excessively. As it is easy to guess, coconut contains precious nourishing substances.
  • Don’t forget about biotins! Vitamin H has a beneficial influence on scalp, skin and finger nail condition. Since it prevents hair loss, it’s wise to supply our organism with it by consuming food containing the very vitamin. It’s said that more or less 300 grams consumed daily should satisfy our hair needs.
  • Have you heard about head massage? I found such a massager (it resembles a kind of an egg beater) at my mum’s. Stroking a head with this device is one of the most pleasant activities I’ve known so far. Such a massage stimulates blood flow just marvellously and reinforces hair. You must give it a go!

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