Are men thick-skinned? You’re going to find out the answer here. Also, you’re going to learn more on the issue concerning the structure of male skin. I would like to deal with all the myths about differences between male and female dermis because these affect the dissimilarities in terms of day-to-day body care of both sexes.

Are you curious the differences between male and female skin? Keep reading!

Skin is our outer cover. It consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. This is where various kinds of receptors, blood vessels, nerves, glands (e.g. sebaceous) and hair roots are located. What are skin’s functions? First and foremost, it’s supposed to isolate the inside of our organism from the external environment, but that’s not all. Also, skin takes an active part in gas exchange processes, thermoregulation, water and electrolyte balance processes as well as it influences our perception.

Everything seems to be fairly obvious. Each of us has skin, it’s venous, everyone’s skin has more or less hair… So where are the differences?

Differences between male and female skin structure

Perhaps this may surprise you but… male skin is biologically different from female skin. Researches proven that there are significant differences in the physiology of male and female skin which, in turn, translates into different ways in which skin ages and its resistance to various external factors. What do you think, who is in better situation, women or men?

In order to answer the question, what’s the difference between female and male dermis, it’s worth dividing this issue into categories. Below I/m going to describe the most important dissimilarities in the structure of male and female skin taking into consideration the following features: thickness, colour, perspiration, sensitiveness, etc.

  • Male skin is thicker

Yes, this has been confirmed. Men are thick-skinned because their skin is approximately 25% thicker than female. The difference is seen already in the epidermis which consists of maximally 20 layers in woman, but when it comes to men it may reach even 40 layers. Dermis layer also differs. In this case female dermis is thinner, again. Moreover, women have more elasticin fibres but they are loosely interwoven with collagen fibres so as to make the skin more flexible. On the other hand, men have less elasticin fibres, yet more collagen and stronger fibre intertexture. What is the consequence?

First and foremost, men are more resistant to various kinds of skin injuries. Male skin is more tough therefore these are women who more often suffer from skin irritations. Furthermore, female skin is more susceptible to the adverse action delivered by UV radiation as well as appearance of discolorations and wrinkles. Looser intertexture of fibres makes us, women, more prone to cellulite and stretch marks. Unfortunately, this insensitiveness is beneficial to men, in this case.

  • Men have less fatty tissue

Of course, men have less female hormone which is responsible for storing fat in hip and chest area. This is oestrogen that is secreted in great amounts during pregnancy and makes women have more fat in the subcutaneous layer of derims. Moreover, if we combine it with the already mentioned loose fibre intertexture of collagen and elasticin then appearance of cellulite can be taken for granted. Male skin is deprived of such amounts of fatty tissue, although it doesn’t mean that men don’t have it at all. Everybody gathers fat under skin, however, some cumulate it definitely less.

  • Male skin is darker

So far, it’s 2:0 for men. What are the other differences between male and female skin structure? For example, ladies have definitely less pigment in their skin. This is strictly connected with the fact that the greater amounts of melanin are produced under the influence of male hormones. When it comes to women, their skin may become darker during pregnancy. However, in general, female skin is lighter than male, and what is connected with this, it is harder for women to get tanned when exposed to the sun.

  • Male skin is more oily

Yet another difference connected with sebaceous glands. Men don’t only have more of the very glands but also they are more active. As a consequence, male skin is more oily and juvenile acne has more severe course. Moreover, men have more visible skin pores that become clogged frequently. In this category women win because our skin doesn’t get greasy so much (unless the seborrhoea is caused by hormonal changes), our acne is smaller and less severe, blackheads appear rarely. On the other hand, our female hormones make women more prone to broken capillaries and rosacea. Besides, our skin is more dry and this translates into greater vulnerability to irritations and moisture loss.

  • Men get more sweaty

Let me announce a draw! Since female body features less sebaceous glands, our skin perspires less frequently. Men have more sebaceous glands and this is strictly connected with secreting greater amount of sweat.

  • Male skin ages slower

Unfortunately, girls, our skin gets old faster than male. Ageing starts faster because we have less collagen, weaker intertexture of fibres and our skin isn’t that good at storing water. Men start ageing after 30 and this is the point when they notice elasticity loss. However, to our advantage is that all the aging processes take place way slower and in a systematic manner so we have time to get used to them whereas men experience and may observe ageing processes taking place in a fairly rapid manner. Last but not least, men wrinkles are deeper due to the thicker epidermis they have.

  • Male skin is less sensitive

It’s said that women are definitely more resistant to pain. That’s true but we must have this resistance because our skin is more sensitive. Male skin is less venous therefore men feel pain less strongly; temperature fluctuations are also less noticeable for guys. Furthermore, men are less sensitive to touch than women who have the skill of sensing even the slightest pecking.


  1. Male skin is thicker and more resistant to ageing and damages.
  2. Female skin features looser fibre intertexture which makes it more cellulite-prone.
  3. Men have significantly less fatty tissue.
  4. Male skin is darker and gets tanned easily.
  5. Male skin is more oily, prone to severe acne and blackheads.
  6. Men skin features more sebaceous glands.
  7. Female skin ages faster, yet the changes are mild and less rapid.
  8. Male skin is definitely less sensitive.

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