
I’m sure that most of you must have already come across Nanoil keratin hair mask somewhere. This hair product became well-recognizable pretty fast and – at least from what I’ve seen – it keeps receiving only positive reviews. Of course, I bought this hair mask myself and tested it. Today I’m coming to you with a brief Nanoil Keratin Hair Mask review. How much is it? How does it work? Are the effects long-lasting?

Why do you need to treat keratin seriously?

In case nobody has told you this before – your hair is made of keratin. This means that the way your hair looks and behaves depends on how much keratin your hair has. In other words, the less keratin there is in your strands, the more damaged and lifeless they are. How to save your hair from losing its basic building block? Well, simply by supplying it with this essential protein. As far as I’m concerned, hair masks give the best effects mainly because you keep such products on hair for relatively long.

Note: When it comes to hair masks specifically, if you expect them to give you the desired results that last long, you must give it the adequate amount of time to penetrate the hair. What I’m trying to say is that you should steer clear of the products that are said to repair the hair within just 2 or 3 minutes. Just think about it 🙂

Keratin hair mask from Nanoil – basic info

Lovely packaging, amazing smell, the right texture that isn’t too thick, nor too runny. And it gets even better when you see that this product is available in a 300 ml jar, which in this particular case stands for a few long months of keratin hair treatment. Even the price is fair. I’d even say that it’s competitive after seeing what Nanoil Keratin Hair Mask is able to give me.

Keratin hair mask from Nanoil – ingredients

Let me list you only the key ingredients, okay? So, the first is keratin but obviously it’s not regular keratin. In Nanoil hair mask they used hydrolyzed keratin which means that it’s more lightweight thus it penetrates hair faster and deeper. For resilient, smooth and shiny hair, keratin is teamed with panthenol, which some of you may know as pro vitamin B5. Additionally, panthenol shields hair from UV rays and prevents damage. In general, both ingredients paired together give your hair nothing but benefits.

Keratin hair mask from Nanoil – results

When you enter nanoil.us, you can read that Nanoil Keratin Hair Mask offers: Repair and reconstruction | Reinforcement | Intensive care – which I totally agree with. To me, this is the shortest but the best description that can be given on this product. I’ll just add that this mask leaves hair perfectly smooth, shiny and easy to style. I found my strands pleasant to the touch, strong and fuller-looking.

Keratin hair mask from Nanoil – application

Use it like any regular hair mask:

  1. wash the hair
  2. use a towel to remove excess water from hair
  3. scoop up a portion of Nanoil Keratin Hair Mask
  4. spread all over the hair (avoid the scalp)
  5. let it sit for 15-20 minutes
  6. rinse

Keratin hair mask from Nanoil – summary

Cost-effective, a unique scent and a highly effective keratin hair mask that creates salon-worthy effects at home. The only difference between Nanoil Keratin Hair Mask and other professional hair products is that the former is budget-friendly. What more could you possibly ask for? I know that I won’t end with just one jar. And by saying that I mean that I’ll continue buying Nanoil keratin hair mask because I like the effects of strong and healthy hair it gives me.

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